【演出取消】一生必听的哥德堡变奏曲 德累斯顿弦乐三重奏演绎巴赫经典 Goldberg Variations by Dresdner Streichtrio | 湾区之声青年室内乐音乐季
演出地点:深圳滨海艺术中心 多功能厅



















Johann Sebastian Bach



德米特里·希特科维茨基 改编

Goldberg Variations BWV988 arr. Dmitry Sitkovetsky



1995年,德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的小提琴首席约尔格·法斯曼Jörg Faßmann,中提琴首席塞巴斯蒂安·赫伯格Sebastian Herberg和客座大提琴首席迈克尔·普法德Michael Pfaender因热爱室内乐演奏而走到一起,德累斯顿弦乐三重奏从此诞生。他们受到 20 世纪著名作曲家让·弗朗赛克斯、阿尔弗雷德·施尼特凯和恩斯特·冯·多纳尼的弦乐三重奏作品的启发,热衷于发掘这种通常被弦乐四重奏所掩盖的室内乐作品。三位音乐家希望帮助这些作品以其独特之处在舞台上绽放新的光芒。




他们的曲目包括许多最初为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴创作的作品,如贝多芬、莫扎特和舒伯特的所有弦乐三重奏。德累斯顿弦乐三重奏发行的第一张包含舒伯特降B大调三重奏和莫扎特E大调嬉游曲的CD后就受到了专业媒体的高度赞扬。 《今日音乐》杂志的评分中,他们录制的贝多芬弦乐三重奏在所有弦乐三重奏作品中获得了最高分。


4月14日午后,这支享誉欧洲,即将迎来30周年纪念的德累斯顿弦乐三重奏将首次来到滨海艺术中心,为观众带来难得一见的三重奏版巴赫《哥德堡变奏曲》。《哥德堡变奏曲》原为羽管键琴作品,后衍生为钢琴独奏传世名作,此番以弦乐重奏形式再现的版本由小提琴家、作曲家德米特里·希特科维茨基(Dmitry Sitkovetsky)1985年改编,是纪念伟大作曲家巴赫诞辰300周年的献礼作品,同时也是向钢琴家古尔德的致敬之作,其清新细腻的风格让听者耳目一新,让传奇的“哥德堡”呈现与众不同的音乐魅力。




小提琴家 Violinist:约尔格·法斯曼 Prof. Jörg Faßmann


1966 年出生于德绍,五岁开始学习小提琴。由于他出众的天赋,约尔格·法斯曼很快就进入了莱比锡赫特尔教授的“少儿班”, 并赢得了无数奖项,如莱比锡国际巴赫比赛和马克诺伊基兴国际音乐比赛。 在莱比锡和德累斯顿的音乐学院完成学业后,他于 1987 年成为德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的成员,并于 1989 年被任命为首席。约尔格·法斯曼致力于培养有才华的年轻音乐家。为此,他在德累斯顿音乐学院任教。


born in 1966 in Dessau, had his first violin lessons at the age of five. Because of his talent he soon entered the "children's class" of professor Hertel in Leipzig. He won numerous prizes, for instance at the International Bach Contest in Leipzig and at the International Music Contest Markneukirchen. After having finished his studies at the colleges of music in Leipzig and Dresden he became a member of the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden in 1987 and was appointed to be the principal violinist in 1989.
Jörg Fassmann takes a personal interest in fostering talented young musicians. For that purpose, he teaches at the college of music "Carl Maria von Weber" in Dresden.



中提琴家Violist:塞巴斯蒂安·赫伯格 Sebastian Herberg


1968年出生于波茨坦,1984至1990年,在魏玛“弗朗茨·李斯特”音乐学院师从Thomas Wünsch教授。1991至1994年,担任柏林交响乐团中提琴首席。同时,在柏林“Hanns Eisler”音乐学院深造,师从Alfred Lipka教授。自1994年以来,一直担任德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的中提琴首席。 此外,他还在德累斯顿音乐学院担任中提琴老师。 他经常以独奏家或室内乐演奏家的身份在德国及其他地区举办音乐会。


Sebastian Herberg was born in 1968 in Potsdam and had his first viola lessons at the music school in Potsdam. He continued his studies from 1984 through 1990 at the college of music "Franz Liszt" in Weimar as a student of professor Thomas Wünsch. From 1991 through 1994 he held the position of the principal viola player of the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra at the Berlin Concert Hall. At the same time, he also completed further studies at the college of music "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin as a student of professor Alfred Lipka. Since 1994, Sebastian Herberg is in the position of the principal viola player of the "Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden". Also, he works with talented young musicians as a viola teacher at the college of music "Carl Maria von Weber" in Dresden. He regularly gives concerts as a soloist or as a chamber musician in Germany, abroad and overseas.



大提琴家Cellist:迈克尔·普法德 Michael Pfaender


出生于音乐世家,在德累斯顿音乐学院师从 Friedrich Milatz 教授。首次演出是1986年在亨德尔节日管弦乐团担任第二大提琴首席。1988至1992年,担任莱比锡广播交响乐团第一大提琴独奏。自1992 年以来,一直担任中德广播交响乐团的首席独奏大提琴。他还在1994年至2005年期间担任德累斯顿国家管弦乐团的客座首席大提琴。他使用的是一把由彼德罗·安东尼奥·达拉·科斯塔于1742 年在威尼斯制作的大提琴。


Michael Pfaender was born into a family of musicians. He studied cello under Prof. Friedrich Milatz at the college of music "Carl Maria von Weber" in Dresden. His first egagement was with the "Händelfestspielorchester" in Halle/Saale as second solo cellist in 1986. From 1988 to 1992 Michael Pfaender was the first solo cellist of the "Großes Rundfunkorchester" in Leipzig. Since 1992 he has been principal solo cellist of the "MDR-Sinfonieorchester". Alongside his activities at the MDR he was guest solo cellist at the "Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden" from 1994 to 2005.

The cellist is a member of the Dresden StringTrio founded in 1995 and since 2002 a permanent member of Ludwig Güttlers "Leipzig Bach Collegium".  Pfaender is also regularly invited to perform as a guest solocellist with renowned orchestras and has performed in numerous concerts with these ensembles on tours of Europe, Asia and the United States. He is featured in solo recordings of works by Bischof, Martinu, Bruch, Haydn and Dvorak.

Michael Pfaender plays a 1742 Pietro Antonio dalla Costa cello made in Treviso, Venice










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